Local governments take aim at Michigan’s wind, solar law in new lawsuit
Michigan communities file legal challenge to state authority on renewable energy projects
Close to 80 local governments appeal MPSC's plans to override zoning for wind and solar
79 Michigan communities challenge state's solar, wind farm permit rules in court
We’ll be keeping an eye on the Ohio Supreme Court
What ever happened to ‘local control,’ Governor?
Memphis Sued on Gun Control Measures
Gun Owners of America sues City of Memphis over drafted gun control ordinance
Jacksonville’s plan to address homeless encampments still a work in progress
What could happen to the Home Rule Act under a second Trump term?
Baltimore voters approve local police control charter amendment
California voters reject Proposition 33, a measure to expand rent control across the state, AP projects
A Democratic Vision for Local Governance: What Role Can Mayors Play?
When Kentucky Bans Homeless Camps, Where Do People Go?
Fairgoers join Ken Paxton in suing Texas State Fair for allegedly violating their gun rights
There are ‘broken incentive structures’ worsening Utah’s housing crisis
Extended GOP control of Missouri would affect KC. What it could mean on crime, guns, taxes
Can Baltimore finally control its police force? Question E may be last step
The State Fair of Texas successfully banned guns this year, but Paxton will continue challenging the rule, court filing reveals
Tallahassee undaunted by law banning public sleeping, continues busing out homeless